Monday, April 20, 2009

Rasas and Devotee's...

Verses 1.7.41-42: Here, in this verse, the 5 rasas are explained. It at all we want to go to the spiritual world, SP said we need to be sincere.

We don't have the desire the go back to Krishna or to serve Krishna, that's why we are still struggling here.

Rukmini used to worship Krishna's deity, just by hearing about the childhood pastimes of Krishna. Then later as she grew, she wrote to Krishna to give her protection and take her away, cause her brother was trying to get her married to Sisupala against her will. For her surrender, Krishna ran away from a battle to give protection to her. He although got the name Ranchor, but for Him protection of Rukmini was more than getting any bad name for Himself. If we become a devotee of Krishna, Krishna will Himself come under your control.
Eg: Santa Rasa - Eg: Prahalad Maharaj, 4 Kumaras
Dasya Rasa - Eg: Hanuman, Daruka, Sumantha
Sakhya Rasa - Eg: Arjuna (Pandavas), Uddhava, Madhumangal, Sridama, Sudama (11 Gopals)
Vatsalya Rasa - Eg: Mother Kunti, Yasoda Mayi, Devaki, elderly gopi's, Elderly relatives in Mathura
Madhurya Rasa - Eg: All the younger gopi's, Queens of Dwarka, Srimati Radharani

In this sloka, SP is translating that all these rasas are possible. And he is also mentioning that we need to have the discriminatory power to judge a thing on its merit. This will help us in associating with sincere devotees, and will help us progress well.

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