Saturday, June 18, 2011

Brahma tapasya...

SB 2.9.8 (KP Prji):

* Here, we see Lord Brahma underwent penances for 1000 years by the calculations of the demigods
* Lord Brahma perfected himself by following the instructions of the spiritual master
* 6 months in our time is 1 day of the demigods, which implies 1 demigod years = 6*30*12*1000 our years
* The best way of understanding is to accept such divine instruction, and Brahmā, the prime spiritual master of
everyone, is the living example of this process of receiving transcendental knowledge
* The potency of transcendental sound is never minimized because the vibrator is apparently absent. Therefore Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam or Bhagavad-gītā or any revealed scripture in the world is never to be accepted as an ordinary mundane sound without transcendental potency
* Just because the person is not manifest in front of our eyes, we should not think that the Lord does not exist
* This applies to acharyas too. SP also said that he will always remain through his instructions and his instructions are in his books
* One has to receive the transcendental sound from the right source, accept it as a reality and prosecute the
direction without hesitation. The secret of success is to receive the sound from the right source of a bona fide
spiritual master
* Potency of the mantra received from a bona fide spiritual master is very important
* The same mantra got from just some person, comes to be known simply as mundane sound
* The disciple, however, must be ready to execute the order of the bona fide spiritual master as Lord Brahmā executed the instruction of his spiritual master, the Lord Himself. Following the order of the bona fide spiritual master is
the only duty of the disciple, and this completely faithful execution of the order of the bona fide spiritual master
is the secret of success
* Lord Brahmā controlled his two grades of senses by means of sense perception and sense organs because he had to engage such senses in the execution of the order of the Lord. Therefore controlling the senses means engaging them in the transcendental service of the Lord

Thursday, June 16, 2011

"Tapa", the wealth of the renounced order of life

SB 2.9.6 (Kp Prji):

* "While thus engaged in thinking, in the water, Brahmājī heard twice from nearby two syllables joined together. One of the syllables was taken from the sixteenth and the other from the twenty-first of the sparśa alphabets, and both joined to become the wealth of the renounced order of life."
* Here, Srila SG is answering MP's question
* The Lord, out of His own will, when He desires to create this whole world
 - Lord Brahma manifests from the right side of MahaVishnu
 - From MahaVishnu's navel, comes a lotus flower and in its flower, Lord Brahma is born
* When born, Brhma is perplexed as to how to construct the world, as he is the guna avatar
* Being inquisitive, he tries to find out what is the source of his creation
 - When Lord Brahma was perplexed about how to construct the material manifestations in the universe and went down within the water to find out the means and the source of his lotus seat, he heard the word tapa vibrated twice.
* Thus, he accepted that the goal of his life is tapa
 - and it is the beauty or power of the renounced order of life
* SP says: The animal does not know anything except sense gratification in the jurisdiction of eat, drink, be merry and enjoy. But the human being is made to undergo tapasya for going back to Godhead, back home.
* This tapasya we can learn from the top most being of this material creation, Lord Brahma
* "In the Brahma-saḿhitā Lord Brahmā has sung in every verse govindam adi-purusam tam aham bhajmi". Thus Brahmā was initiated by the Krsna mantra, by Lord Krsna Himself, and thus he became a Vaisnava, or a devotee of the Lord, before he was able to construct the huge universe. It is stated in the Brahma-samhita that Lord Brahmā was initiated into the eighteen-letter Kṛṣṇa mantra, which is generally accepted by all the devotees of Lord Krsna."
* We follow the same principle because we belong to the Brahma sampradaya.
* One who is thus initiated in the disciplic succession is able to achieve the same result or power of creation. Chanting of this holy mantra is the only shelter of the desireless pure devotee of the Lord. Simply by such tapasya, or penance, the devotee of the Lord achieves all perfections like Lord Brahma.
* To perfect our life, we must also follow this path set by our acharya's

Monday, June 13, 2011

Clearing the misconceptions of I and Mine!

SB 2.9.3 (K Prji):

* SP has very clearly and elaborately explained the misconceptions of I and Mine, in this verse
* The fact that we are still hearing the philosophy of I and mine is due to the deep rooted misconception
* The true self is the pure spirit soul
* However, due to these misconceptions of I and Mine, all we are doing is eat, sleep, mate and defend, which the animals also do
 - so there is no difference between animals and humans
* But the purpose of human life is self-realization and to come back unto the shelter of the SPG
* SP establishes ISKCON primarily to bring people from this lower consciousness to the real consciousness of being an eternal servitor of the Lord and to be in the real consciousness of the true spirit soul
* The Supreme Lord comes always with us as super soul, in every life form, to help us to take the bhakti yoga process
* Eg: A man with 4 wife's, neglects the 4th wife always...he is dying now, the first 3 wifes do not agree to come with him, but 4th wife says she will accompany him
 - 1st wife is like body
 - 2nd wife is like name and fame
 - 3rd wife is relatives and friends
 - 4th wife is the Supersoul
* By hearing these good advises of the Supersoul, SP advises us to surrender unto the SPG, through bhaktiyoga 
- Process is: worshiping the Lord, glorifying the Lord, hearing the Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam from the right sources (not from the professional man but from a person who is Bhāgavatam in life) and being always in the association of pure devotees

Saturday, June 11, 2011

United in serving the Lord!

SB 2.9.1 (A Prji):

* We have to come to a stage where we are all united in serving the Lord
* As in a musical concert, everyone is performing to the orchestra together, similarly, we should do everything for Krishna
* Keeping Krishna in the center
* Eg: A man, his 4 sons, asked to massage the 4 limbs of the father's body....
 - With this I and mine concept, we are also similarly giving suffering to our Supreme Father
* BG 15.15 Krishna is not only all pervading, but also is present as the Supersoul within everyone
* BG 15.16
 - 2 classes of beings. Fallible and infallible
 - Living entities are naturally part and parcel of the Supreme Lord
* ...
* As long as the living entity is conditioned, the suffering with matter will continue
* In the spiritual world, the body is transcendental, so no suffering
* ...

Friday, June 10, 2011

Way to inquire, way to receive Answers...

SB 2.8.29 (M Prji):

* Today, the chapter is ending by explaining how MP inquired all the questions and how they are going to be answered by SG.
* Diff types of questions were asked by MP
 - about the transcendental qualities of the Lord
 - narration considering the Lord, his qualities, potency
 - about different living beings in the planets
* SG answered in a systematic way as it was got from the disciplic succession
* So this chapter tells us what is the way to acquire knowledge and what is the proper way of anwering questions
* BG 4.34 also speaks something similar
 - if we want gyana, then we have to first of all find out a person who is tattvadarsinah
 - eg: if we want to purchase Gold, we must know where Gold is available. If we go to a grocery shop for it, we will surely be cheated
* If we are really in search of knowledge, then Krishna will surely help us
* Krishna will send the proper Guru in our direction
 - If we want a particular type of Guru, Krishna will send such a Guru
* In Katha upanishad also, it is mentioned
 - tat vijyanartham sa gurum eva bhi agachhet
* Also told in our samsaradava prayers
 - if one pleases Guru, then everything is possible,

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Experimenting in the laboratory of Devotional Service...

SB 2.8.28 (SA Prji):

* "He began to reply to the inquiries of Mahārāja Parīkṣit by saying that the science of the Personality of Godhead was spoken first by the Lord Himself to Brahmā when he was first born. Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam is the supplementary Vedic literature, and it is just in pursuance of the Vedas."
* SP says that Bhagavatam is a science of the personality of Godhead
 - it has two things then, theory and practical realizations of that theory. That is science
 - so it has gyanam and vigyanam
* Every single word in every single page of SB given by HDG SP is actually verifiable, realizable
* There are so many people actually who read the SB page to page, yet they don't understand its essence
* To verify, SB invites the person to the laboratory of devotional service
 - Here, student is encouraged to do the experiments and realize things which are beyond the sense perception
 - Here, things are perceived through sabda praman
* When one conducts such experiments, two things will surely happen
 - transformation of the heart
 - will have realizations
* SB gives us this chance of coming into the lab of DS
* Second thing SP is giving here
 - That it is a perfect answer to the impersonalists argument and basically shoots down all their points
* Through pastimes of the Lord and His pure devotees, it brings out the personality of the Lord
* Third point SP mentions
 - this SB is in pursuance to the Vedic scriptures
 - it is the nature commentary on the Vedanta Sutras
* One of the ten offenses to the holy name is rejecting the scriptures in pursuance to the Vedic literature
 - so the impersonalists who reject SB are actually committing this offense
* Only a Vaisnava can give Krishna to such impersonalists
 - cause a Vaisnava is a adhikari, one who has Krishna within his heart
* Forth point of SP
 - how can one learn this SB
 - By approaching a bona fide Spiritual master. Cause he simple repeats what his own SM has said. Does not do any concoctions (just like a postman), He must be a realized soul through disciplic succession
 - thus, this science of SB can be understood
* Guru, shastra and Sadhu should confirm with each other
* Interpreting the SB or concocting in our own way is the greatest offense to the lotus feet of the Lord

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Attentively Hearing, Enthusiasm in Hearing!

SB 2.8.27 (K Prji):

* So far in this chapter, we saw that MP asked some questions to SG about the SPG
* Here we see that SG is very pleased with the inquisitiveness of MP and is happy narrate the glories of the SPG
* Similar thing, we saw in Chapter 5, between the discussions of Naradamuni and Brahmaji
* We have seen the same with our founder acharya, Srila Prabhupada. He was always intent on speaking about Krishna and also was very attentive in hearing about Krishna
 - Nice pastime in New Vrindavan, on Janmashtami night, SP was so absorbed in hearing from the Krishna book
 - So he was so enthusiastic in hearing about the SPG
* Similarly he we see in the shloka that SG is so pleased to talk about Krishna and MP is so interested in hearing more and more about Krishna
* MP was also very intelligent spiritually, cause he used his last 7 days (when he was cursed to die in 7 days) in hearing SB and absorbing himself in the pastimes of Sri Krishna
* We should aspire to always like the nectar of SB, and not be attracted to the mundane literature
 - then we can at the end of the body surely return back to home, back to godhead
* If not, it is like a frog shouting during the raining time. It will only attract the snake to come and eat the frog
 - Similarly, mundane topics will keep us busy and frog like death will come and finish everything for us
* Enthusiasm for hearing, listening attentively when hearing the topics of the SPG are the main points here
 - Eg: Maharaj Kulasekhar's pastime
* Likewise, in our daily chanting too, we should hear very clearly and attentively pronounce the holy name

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Hearing from a bona fide Speaker!

SB 2.8.26 (N Prji):

* Here, SP is mentioning about the importance of disciplic succession
* Any other parampara is not valid because it does not have the Lord as its progenitor
* If the process is not genuine or if we are not hearing from a proper source, then we will not get any purification
* Only a bona fide process will purify us and the knowledge will become a part of our life
* For purification to happen
 - process must be genuine (we have to apply it too very sincerely in our life, eg sadhana)
* We have to be indebted to SP for establishing ISKCON, cause that is giving us this chance to hear from bona fide sources
* ....
* Mental speculators might be speaking well too, but because the process is not standard, transformation of heart does not happen
* All these philosophies are like the glow of a light worm. It will not last long and also does not provide any warmth
* Hearing from a pure devotee is not like that
* Theoretically hearing but not engaging in practically practicing it will not really help us
* It is important to take up the practical processes is effective in cleansing the mind and the heart
 - chanting the holy name for example cleanses the mirror of the mind
* In BG, Krishna says: those who are constantly trying to engage in DS for me, I will guide them personally from within their heart
* Teachings of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. He was giving this knowledge to Sanatana Goswami
 - as to who am I etc
* If we engage our senses in service to Krishna, then our soul becomes very happy

Sunday, June 5, 2011

4 Important Learnings...

SB 2.8.24 (R Prji):

* Four important topics in this verse
 - surrender
 - inquisitiveness
 - limited knowledge
 - mercy
* Surrender, we should do it to Krishna
 - again sincere and insincere surrender exist
 - Sincere devotee is one who surrenders to the instructions with full conviction
 - by being accountable to the representative of the Lord, we make progress
* Inquisitiveness
 - Different types exist
 - Being inquisitive about spiritual life for self realization is necessary
 - if it progresses in the right direction, we lose interest in material things
 - We won't take it cheaply
* Limited knowledge
 - How much can we inquire, because we have limited knowledge
 - If one tries to understand Krishna with his material mind, we can never understand Krishna cause mind cannot understand something that is infinitely increasing
 - SB 1.8.19
 - So we are very limited, that is why we should seek a spiritual master and know from him
 - Eg of HH Giriraj Maharaj (opportunity to get a donation from Birla)
 - So sincerely following Spiritual Master's words is essential
* Mercy
 - By Krishna's mercy, we get SM and by SM's mercy, we go back home back to godhead
 - By following the regulative principles, we can get the mercy of the Lord
 - Real glorification comes through sacrifice and surrender
 - Krishna is pleased when we glorify our spiritual master
 - We can go ahead only by Guru and Krishna's mercy
 - SBVT that is why sings, Gurudeva krpa bindu diya...

Saturday, June 4, 2011

The Lord's Independent Nature

SB 2.8.23 (Kp Prji):

* "The independent Personality of Godhead enjoys His pastimes by His internal potency and at the time of annihilation gives them up to the external potency, and He remains a witness to it all." - MP is asking
* Even though the Lord is the creator and maintain of all the 3 worlds, yet the Lord is aloof from all this
* Lord Śri Krsna, being the Supreme Personality of Godhead and fountainhead of all other incarnations, is the only independent person. He enjoys His pastimes by creation as He desires and gives them up to the external energy at the time of annihilation.
* "Lord Śrī Kṛṣṇa, being the Supreme Personality of Godhead and fountainhead of all other incarnations, is the only independent person. He enjoys His pastimes by creation as He desires and gives them up to the external energy at the time of annihilation."
* The only powerful Kings who were left, when Krishna was leaving the world, were the Yadus. They were so powerful that they could take the whole earth under their control
* So Krishna desired to take all of them with Him. So for this a pastime was enacted by the Lord
* So through the curse on Samba, the whole dynasty was finished, yet the Lord was independent of it all
* Further, "He is the witness of everything that is happening, and yet He has nothing to do with anything. He is independent in every respect. Maharaja Pariksit desired to know more perfectly, for a pure devotee ought to know well."
* This is one of the lilas of the Lord. As to how he enjoys his pastimes, completes them and also annihilates them and yet is completely different from it.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Perfecting the Human form!

SB 2.8.21 (Kp Prji):

* Maharaj Parikshit is continuing to ask wonderful questions to Srila Sukadeva Goswami
 - Please explain unto me how the living beings are generated, how they are maintained, and how they are annihilated. Tell me also of the advantages and disadvantages of discharging devotional service unto the Lord. What are the Vedic rituals and injunctions of the supplementary Vedic rites, and what are the procedures of religion, economic development and sense satisfaction?
* SP in his purport has given a lot of information
* First thing: Samplavaha, in the sense of "perfect means," is employed to denote the discharging of devotional
service, and pratisamplavaha means just the opposite, or that which destroys the progress of devotional service.
* SBVT is prime example of someone who can do perfect devotinal service, while executing the functional conditional life also very nicely
* Living the conditional life is just like plying a boat in the middle of the ocean. One is completely at the mercy of the ocean, and at every moment there is every chance of being drowned in the ocean by slight agitation. If the atmosphere is all right, the boat can ply very easily, undoubtedly, but if there is some storm, fog, wind or cloud, there is every possibility of being drowned in the ocean. No one can control the whims of the ocean, however one may be materially well equipped. One who has crossed the oceans by ship may have sufficient experience of such dependence upon the mercy of the ocean. But one can ply over the ocean of material existence by the grace of the Lord very easily, without any fear of storm or fog. It all depends on the will of the Lord; no one can help if there is some unfortunate danger in the state of conditional life.
* Everything is temporary, will get over at any point of time. A conditioned person will not know what step to take in this situation. That is why they are anxious all the time.
* But for the devotees, for him, his precaution is taking shelter of the lotus feet of the Lord. The pure devotee is always protected by the Lord. So the instruction is that one should try to always be a pure devotee of the Lord
* Second thing is that one should hear about the pure DS from a bona fide spiritual master
* One should accept only the honest means of earning wealth for self-sustenance. Otherwise, one will easily lose devotional service.
* Third aspect is that pure devotee's duty is to discharge this sankirtana movement throughout the world.
* Our perfection comes by following the instructions of the acharyas
* Every devotee should be enthusiastic in the rituals, service too. Even if one fails in getting results, one should
not be disturbed, but keep continuing.
* We should be willing to serve the instructions of the Spiritual master, in extending the mercy of Sri Caitanya