Friday, April 17, 2009

Violence and non-violence...

Verse 1.7.36: Here, Srila Prabhupada is making a wonderful point actually. Violence and non-violence. Vedic culture, yes supports non-violence, but when required, it also supports violence. Is it not amazing.
Story: A person practising non-violence in America, going with daughter...

Vedic Culture actually speaks of non-violence. SP also appreciated Gandhiji's non-violent methods of bringing independence to India. Battle is fought to fight out vices, not for oil, not for grabbing resources. Those days, the reason for war was to uphold dharma (Mahabharata war).

Another example: Vietnam war vs. Mahabharata war being taught in BG. But SP said that this Mahabharata way was for upholding religious principles, not for simple material gains.

Here, Krishna is telling that Ashwattama is abominable. Since he killed small children in their sleep. So Vedic culture advises violence to uphold dharma, for the principles of religion.

Through this ISKCON, SP wanted to make first class brahmanas, and secondly establish the Varnashrama system.

The point is preaching, because of our preaching someone's life may change. But of course, if we take credit, we will fall down. Haribol. Hare Krishna!

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