Saturday, August 6, 2011

Material and Spiritual worlds

S.B.2.10.6. (Achyuta Gauranga prabhu)
  • This sloka confirms that actually 75% of the entire creation is spiritual and 25% is material

    75% of the living entities in the spiritual world are called nitya-muktas

    25% of the living entities in the material world are conditioned souls

    In America we see 4 seasons, in the fall everything is dissolved and in spring everything sprouts up. Material creation is a cycle like the seasons here everything in the material world is annihilated and recreated again.

    B.G chapter 9 explains this process really really well in several slokhas.

    B.G. 9.7 -- O son of Kuntī, at the end of the millennium all material manifestations enter into My nature, and at the beginning of another millennium, by My potency, I create them again.

    So at the end of the millennium means the death of Brahma, as we know Brahmaji lives for 100 years – (1 day = 4.3 billion earth years)

    B.G 9.8 -- The whole cosmic order is under Me. Under My will it is automatically manifested again and again, and under My will it is annihilated at the end.

    Imagine that all this material creation is the inferior energy of the supreme lord, so if we think of superior energy of the Supreme Lord it is unimaginable.

    At the time creation the first Purusha incarnation Maha-Vishnu enters, he creates innumerable universes and into each universe he enters as a Garbhodakaśāyī Viṣṇu and this way each single universe is created. He still manifest himself as Kṣīrodakaśāyī Viṣṇu and that Vishnu enters into everything.

    In terms of living, the Kṣīrodakaśāyī Viṣṇu impregnates himself, as a result of past deeds (Karmic reactions living entities’ take different positions), this way entire material creation is manifested.

    The activities of different species are began from the very movement of creation, it is not evolved or something like that… It just created.

    It is tough point for many people to understand, how can everything just created, if you look once again the spring season everything is manifested. It is the potency of the Lord.

    Our duty is not to keep in the three modes, we have to transcend them.

    One who engages in devotional service transcends the three modes of nature and comes to the level of Brahaman. So this is where ultimate thing is.

Friday, August 5, 2011

Sweetness of Transcendental Past time of the God

S.B.2.10.5 (Madhava Govinda Prabhu)

In this purport 3 important things we can think about. One is the term Chronological and the other one transcendental topics and the last one aural reception. This chronological term generally our fundamental knowledge is very poor. We can’t present the history of the present world more than 3000 yrs ago. But vedic literature presents the history of millions of years ago. Because we can’t present the history more than 3000 yrs that does not mean that there was no history earlier to that. The vedic evidence is very chrono-liged in Vedanta sutra (it means the summary of all vedic knowledge). The vedic knowledge is given in codes is called Braham sutra, Brahaman means the supreme absolute truth, sutra mean code. We can’t understand the code without the explanation. This knowledge is very important. Now a days no one is interested in reading these transcendental topic they think this is waste time, no one realizes the importance of these. Here the other word is transcendental topics, King Parikshit (KP) was listening to the past times of the Lord Krishna and Balaram from Sukadheva Goswami (SG). SG mentions to KP, my dear lord the Supreme Personality of Godhead Krishna is bestower of love of God and liberation simultaneously. Anyone who becomes devotee of automatically liberated because the Lord is unlimited and his past times in creating, maintaining and destroying are also unlimited.

(KP telling to SG): We are frustrated in searching out for the pleasures derived from sense gratification. Such desire for material sense gratification are always piercing the hearts of conditioned souls, but I am actually experiencing how the transcendental topics of the Lord Krishna’s past times can relieve one from such material desires. I think that no intelligent person can reject listening to these transcendental past times of the Lord again and again.

One should hear the transcendental topics with aural reception. If we want to know Krishna, first we should hear. People should be inquisitive about God. If we are serious to know God, we have spiritual masters to enquire submissively to know about God, and God is within our heart He will reveal.

teṣāḿ satata-yuktānāḿ

bhajatāḿ prīti-pūrvakam

dadāmi buddhi-yogaḿ taḿ

yena mām upayānti te

B.G (10.10) -- To those who are constantly devoted to serving Me with love, I give the understanding by which they can come to Me.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Real Goal of Human Life

S.B.2.10.4 (Achyuta Gauranga prabhu)

Ultimate goal of life is to go back home, back to god head. If we look at it from an introspective aspect, we are also actually vision of the lord. We are also actually vision of the lord, he sees through our eyes, makes his work through our heart and brain. And if we don’t apply all these in actually making the Lord our prime goal of life that it in away means we are actually wasting our time. So many fames and wonderful personalities taken births who have dedicated their birth and their live for the service of the Lord. Parents will do anything for their kids for material education, but when it comes to vedic knowledge they think it is a big waste of time. As Radhnath swami Maharaj mentions in his lectures that life is a preparation death is an examination. It all depends on how we live our life. So, unless we control our senses, the whole body is taking to wrong direction. We have to really utilize this human form of life to go back home back to godhead. The easiest way in this Kaliyuga is literally to chant seriously the holy name of the lord. And really make sure we are literally inundating our body in the lord names. The Mantra given for this age is Hare Krishna Mahamantra, which is

Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare

Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Primary and Seconary Creation

S.B. 2.10.3(Saci suta Prabhu)

Modern theory of evolution tells that the first living entity comes from non living entity.

When Darwin concluded his evolutionary theory he said the life may breathed in to one or two living entities by the creator. But the current theories eliminate the concept of creator.

In 19th century Louis Pasteur concluded that life comes only from life. Spontaneous generation theory explains that some how first life originated from matter. Based on evidences Spontaneous theory will fit in the science fiction rather than scientific.

According to Vedic truth, Lord Brahma being the first living entity in this material creation, the father of the living entities. Originally, creation has two aspects sarga and visarga. Sarga means creation (first creation by Vishnu). Then visarga is the secondary creation by Lord Brahma distinguishing into living and non living entities.

Vishnus function is more important than Lord Brahma and Lord Shiva although Lord Brahma is the creator, Lord Vishnu is the maintainer.

Maha vishnu did the first creation, sarga and from the naval of Garbodhaksyi Vishnu comes Lord Brahma who did the second creation, visarga. When we building a house, first we build the structure then house interior, then we will bring the furniture. Like that Brahma filled this creation with his sons, then their sons.... From there different species of live came into existence. Manus children are Manavas, so our great great.. grand father is Manu.

Srila Jiva Goswami, gives the break down of the topics covered in each canto. So the topics discussed

Sarga -- Canto 2,3
visarg - 2,3,4
Vrutti -- 3,7,11
Raksha -- through out
Manvantara - 8
Vamsha - 4, 9
vamshanucharita - 4,9
Samsta - 11,12
Hetu - 3,11
Apasray -10

We have to understand that this knowledge is from Amala puranam, Srimad Bhagavatam.

In B.G.9.10

mayadhyaksena prakrtih suyate sa-caracaram hetunanena kaunteya jagad viparivartate

This material nature, which is one of My energies, is working under My direction, O son of Kunti, producing all moving and non-moving beings. Under its rule this manifestation is created and annihilated again and again.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Ultimate Knowledge

S.B.2.10.1, S.B.2.10.2 (Krishna Kirtan Prabhu)

Bhagavatam is answer to all questions, In the chapter 8 MP puts several questions in front of SG. Beginning from the universal creation. In summary the questions are, how the spirit soul acquires different bodies? And what is the difference between the Lords Spiritual body and the body of common living entity. How the Lord transcendental to creation. How he is living in every living entity. How He is lord of all energies still untouched by his external energies. What is the actually positions of different planetary system in the virat purasa. What is time difference between creation, annihilation. How Narada presented this literature to his disciples and several other questions about universal creation.

All these questions are humanly impossible to answer. The answers depend on the qualification of the person who is going to explain. SG is highly qualified and most suitable person to answer these questions. By hearing MP questions, SG is very pleased because all these questions pertain to the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Sri Krishna. To answer his questions SG replied, first this knowledge was spoke by Lord himself to Brahmaji. The Supreme Lord is very much pleased by lord Brahma’s austerities and devotional service and presented this eternal and transcendental form to lord Brahma. Lord Brahma is in ecstasy after seeing the Supreme Lords transcendental form. After that Krishna impregnated lord Brahma with the vedas and saying that the Ultimate benediction as the result of all penance is to see me by realization.

Brahama put forward several questions to the Supreme Personality of Godhead, the first question was how in spite of your transcendental form you assumed this mundane form. Lord replied, I who existed before this is ultimate knowledge. Any knowledge that is not related to me is my material energy. I myself exist in the creation and at the same time I am outside of the creation.

Narda received this knowledge from Brahma, after receiving this Sri Narada enquired in detail. From where this supplementary knowledge S.B came into existence where in the 10 characters of the Supreme Lord are explained by lord Brahma. Then Sri Narada passed this knowledge to his disciples.

In the current chapter SG is answering the MP questions. In the S.B there are 10 divisions of statements.

1) The creation of the universe. 2) Sub creation. 3) Planetary system 4) Protection by the Lord 5) The creative impetus 6) The change of Manus 8) The science of God 8) Returning back to home, back to God head 9) Liberation 10) and the Samambhanam

Creation of the universe with sarga and visarga. The creation is with all the primary elemetns. Visarga means further creation. We will see the description about the creation in this chapter.

Monday, August 1, 2011

Devotional service (Love of God) is beyond Knowledge

S.B 2.9.46 (Nanda Niketan Pr)
Here SP explains two things one is about S.B, how great literature it is and the second thing is qualification of the speaker Sukadev Goswami.

S.B. is called Mahapuranam it is called Mahadakayanam. Akayanam is a narration, a history. Modern people make it is a mythology or fictitious. SP so many times mentions it is not mythology it is history. The activities of Kauravas, pandavas and many other activities were mentioned in S.B. , It includes Druva Maharaj, Amarish Maharaj and about many other devotees and their activities.

Purana means old history. For example, we keep the pictures of our grand fathers, great grand fathers, if some body might say they did not exist, but in truth the grand fathers.. existed. They existed and lived their life.

When we people talk about the Ramayan and Mahabarath the modern people will say it as mythology, but it is not true. S.B, is an amalam puranam as every body know malam means dirty things, S.B is amalam puranam -- without any material contamination. Because simply narration about Bhagavan and Bhaktha, dealings between devotees and Supreme Personality of God Head.

We can question our self why it is so great. S.B, declares that the supreme occupation of all humanity is -- which awakens the loving devotional service to the Supreme Personality of God Head. We are all looking for satisfaction, but S.B explains unless until our service to the God is unconditional, uninterrupted it will not bring happiness to the heart.

Love is beyond knowledge. S.B, explains that when one develops love for Krishna, Knowledge and renunciation are automatically achieved. This is clearly visible in the life of Srila Sukadhev Goswami, the speaker of S.B. When he was 16 year old and came to the assembly of most learned sages and rushis of the entire universe. They asked the Sukadhev Goswami to speak on S.B, because all sages, scholars in the assembly recognized that he has pure love. This is also exhibited by Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu. He played the role of Nimai Pandit. As Nimai Pandit, he known as the greatest scholar of the whole world. He was defeating Digivijay pandit, Keshav Kashmir. Keshav Kashmir is a such scholar every time he opens his mouth the Goddess Sarswati actullay move his tongue. There is nothing he did not know. Little Nimai pandit defeated Keshav Pandit expertly without hurting his heart. After Nimai Pandit know as greatest scholar to the world he rejected all the fame and took loving service to the lord and chanted

Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare
Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare

Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu got the instruction from his spiritual master to spread the glories of hari nam. The conclusion of all the scriptures, S.B. 12.3.51 says

kaler doṣa-nidhe rājann asti hy eko mahān guṇaḥ kīrtanād eva kṛṣṇasya mukta-sańgaḥ paraḿ vrajet

My dear King, although Kali-yuga is an ocean of faults, there is still one good quality about this age: Simply by chanting the Hare Kṛṣṇa mahā-mantra, one can become free from material bondage and be promoted to the transcendental kingdom.

Lord Chaitanya stated that the success to endeavor is to the degree we please Krishna. Only when we please Krishna, who is Bhakthavathsala, does he reveal his mercy upon us, only that mercy will awaken love.

There are many goals of life, but the true goal of life is pure devotional service.