Sunday, March 6, 2011

Inconceivable oneness and difference of the Lord!

SB 2.6.22 (K Prji):

* We have seeing the from the past few days about the viswa rupa of the Lord.
* Everything is coming from the Lord, but at the same time He is aloof from it.
* Krishna is simultaneously personal and impersonal. Tgus inconceivable tattva is explained by Sri CM.
* Sri BS verseL: Krishna is internal to everything and external as well.
* Krishna's different incarnations
 - Lord Buddha to save the world from animal sacrifices
 - Sankaracharya to save the world from voidism to accepting the vedas and impersonalism
 - Ramnujacharya, Madhvacharya, Vishnuswami and Nimbarka swami, from the 4 different vaisnava sampradaya's
 - Then Lord Krishna cames as Sri CM Himself, put things together, gave us the acintya beda abeda tattva
* Knowledge must come from an absolute source, which is the Vedas
 - it says there that the Lord has both personal and impersonal features
* Lord cM took 2 essential teachings from each sampradayas
 - Deity worship and devotion
 - Devotioanl Service and service to devotees
 - Exclusive dependence to Krishna, spontaneous devotion
 - taking shelter of Srimati Radharani, high esteem of the Gopi's for Krishna
* There is no difference between the holy name of the Lord and the Lord Himself
 - passes through offensive, cleaning and transcendental stage
* The 3rd stage is the highest stage and we are fortunate to be in this sampradaya which can give us that stage

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