Sunday, August 22, 2010

Taking guidance at every Decision!

Verse 1.19.12 (Mohan Prji):

* How one has to approach authority and seek their permission, when making some decision. This is primarily because our senses are uncontrolled and we have imperfections. Because of this imperfection, we might or might not take good decisions.
* So the best thing is to take senior guidance in every decision that we take.
* If one is expecting name and fame, that is also one kind of sense gratification. It is very subtle.
* Similarly one should not engage in gambling, not just physically, but mentally too. So when one tries to take any decision in life without authority's permission, then we are gambling our life actually. Cause that decision might affect one's KC in the future.
* So on the subtle level, we should not engage in breaking this regulative principle.

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