Monday, August 24, 2009

Shyness in Woman...

Verse 1.10.16 (Vidya Mji):
* SP comments here that shyness is beauty for women, as it then commands respect.
* This shyness, along with being in protection of family, will protect the women from exploitation.
* These days, women are going out expecting equality, but are actually being exploited as this rule of shyness is being lost.
* Man also, should be chaste and be a provider for the family.
* Why not equality of man and woman: we get this body according to our karma and following the basic rules of nature, woman and man are different. One cannot the place of another. Eg: lion deciding to come and stay in the city, it will be chaos only.
* In SSR: story of liquid beauty (man loved girl, girl did not like that, asked to wait for 7 days, took laxatives for 7 days and went completely down, man was then able to distinguish between shadow and substance.
* The material beauty of a woman is an illusion because actually the body is made of earth, water, fire, air, etc. But because there is the association of the living spark with matter, it appears to be beautiful. No one is attracted by an earthen doll, even if it is most perfectly prepared to attract the attention of others. The dead body has no beauty because no one will accept the dead body of a so-called
beautiful woman. Therefore, the conclusion is that the spirit spark is beautiful, and because of the soul's beauty one is attracted by the beauty of the outward body.
* We should also know that Krishna is the only all attractive and He should be the center of our life.
* Everday it is a battle with Maya, so we should engage in devotional service, so that Lord Krishna protects us from these clutches of maya.

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