Monday, August 17, 2009

Harmony between Man and God!

Verse 1.10.6 (Ganeshan Pr):
* Because of the King's having no enemy, the living beings were not at any time disturbed by mental agonies, diseases, or excessive heat or cold.
* Consciousness is very imp factor here. And it not only depends on the vibrations around us, also around the food that we eat.
* Whatever we eat, if flesh, the troubled feared consciousness of animals come into us.
* Today many countries claim that they are advancesd, but we know that true advancement is when the country is based on spiritual principles.
* Good leader should arrange for good harmony between man, God and nature. Cooperation is required. If we have greed or mismanagement or exploitation of nature, absence of God, then everything will go bad.
* Maharaj Yudhistira was a leader who truly followed God, and that brought above happiness, peace and prosperity in the world.

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