Monday, September 20, 2010

Our relationship to this world is temporary!

Verse 2.1.4 (Mohan Prji):

* One thing coming to the mind is the answer that Maharaj Yudhistira gave to the question asked by Yamaraja. Everyone is dying, but we don't believe it.
* Same is the case with our wife, relatives etc. Our connections will sooner or later be cut.
* Another story of the person going through the forest
- tiger is following him (which is death in our case)
- the deep well (well of material ignorance)
- the honey which is dripping nearby (is the false pleasures of this world)
Moral is we forget the tiger and the deep well that is imminent on us, but we go after the dripping honey.
* Another story: A person gets hired by a wood merchant. He is given an axe and asked to cut a tree. He cuts down 10 trees to make the merchant happy. Next day he cuts 8, next day he cuts 6. Merchant asks: when was the last time he sharpened his axe.
Moral: Each one of us we forget in this world to sharpen our axe. We may be working hard, but unless we use the scriptures, read them and sharpen our axe, we will be wasting our time.

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