Saturday, June 19, 2010

Practical Lessons from Srimad Bhagavatam!

Verse 1.17.43-44 (Kasi Prji):

* Here we see that Maharaj Parikshit practically drove out kali and he ruled the world with great success.
* SP is saying that by following the 4 regulative principles, we can establish the principles of dharma well.
* This will take us to the lotus feet of the Supreme Personality of Godhead.
* Story about Dhanurdas, a favorite disciple of Sri Ramanujacharya, from Sri Rangam.
- Ramanujacharya showing the glory of Dhanurdas
- He tore his disciple's clothes a bit, too much fighting erupted. Then after two weeks, he asked his two disciples to steal Dhanurdas's wife - Hemambi's jewels.....
- Moral: If we all can also endeavor to have such qualities as Dhanurdas, his surrender to his Guru, then we can also attain the mercy of the Supreme Lord.
* In this verse, SP talks about the modern administrators. Modern administrators want to banish corruption from the state, but fools as they are, they do not know how to do it. They want to issue licenses for gambling houses, wine and other intoxicating drug houses, brothels, hotel prostitution and cinema houses, and falsity in every dealing, even in their own, and they want at the same time to drive out corruption from the state. They want the kingdom of God without God consciousness. How can it be possible to adjust two contradictory matters?
* Recently in Andhra Pradesh, government auctioned licenses for liquor, to get money. So here we can see how Gov. is encouraging this irreligious activities.
* Bribery, prostitution also is becoming so common in these days.
* That's why SP is saying that administrators first of all organize society to accept the principles of religion, namely austerity, cleanliness, mercy and truthfulness, and to make the condition favorable we must close all places of gambling, drinking, prostitution and falsity.

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