Sunday, May 2, 2010

The body is not Us!

Verse 1.16.24 (Ganeshan Prji):

* The Lord has presented this world with sufficient quantities of foodstuff.
* But it is the greed of people that puts the conditions topsy turvy.
* Similarly, whatever the Lord has given, especially the senses, if we don't use it in the right way, it will be taken away,
* Eg: Younger days - muscles strong, when old - muscles weak
* One thing very clear is that life is very very short.
* The only thing meaningful in life is to surrender to the holy name of Krishna!
* If we don't think why we are here, then Krishna has death will come and take away everything.
* We should live everyday as if it is our last. We should live humbly devoted to God.
* Even a blade of grass does not move without the Lord's permission.
* The stage is set for us, we do a little part, but we take so much credit for it.
* Everything is given by God, so all glories should go to him.
* We need to control our senses. They should be used only for the service of the Lord.

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