Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Verses 1.8.30 and 31

Verse 1.8.31 (Hareesha Mji)

Verse 1.8.30 (Yk Prabhuji):
* Krishna's pastimes are bewildering and contradictory too. He makes so many of His devotees cry, but He is still the reservoir of all love.
* He is the friend of all living entities, but Gopi's say He is cruel. So His pastimes are contradictory. Bali Maharaj, He pushed him down, Bhishmadeva, He almost fought with Him.
* Assammurdhva - Everything is possible with the Supreme Lord. Nobody is equal to Him, nobody is greater than Him.
* Krishna has two different levels (tattva and lila). Philosophy and pleasure of devotees. Another two features - knows everything, forgets Himself amongst devotees.
* All contradictions culminate in Krishna. Externally they might appear to be contradictions, but they all fit in into the personality of Krishna. For an atheist it might be bewildering, but for a devotee, it is a source of pleasure.
* Urukrama - does wonderful pastimes. Eg: Case of Vamandeva. Does uncommon activities.
* Trivikrama - who has controlled the 3 worlds. That is Krishna, God!

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