Saturday, February 14, 2009

Srila Bhaktisiddanta Saraswati Thakur!!!

A few points from the pastimes of Srila Bhaktisiddanta Saraswati Thakur (SBSST):

* Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakur, was called the seventh Goswami of our parampara. He was a Grhastha, but he devoted his complete life for spreading the mission of Sri CM.
* Bimala Prasad was born to him, as an answer to his intense prayers to Jagannath, for sending a ray of Vishnu, to help him in bringing Vaishnavism back into glory.
* Jagannath cart... blessings through garland.
* Mango...without being offered...Bhaktisiddanta Swami took a vow for never eating a Mango in his life.
* Came to put an end to the apasampradaya's like the Sahajiya's etc.
* At that time, the Guru's in our parampara used to give their disciples their siddhapranali mantra, so that they chant in that mood. But it was being abused. So he also put an end to this.
* Another thing was a difference between Brahmanas and Vaishnavas, as to who is greater. This was being done based on birth. As a young boy, BSST, lectured to so many caste brahmanas, and finally very conclusively proved that a Vaishnava is far above a Brahmana. He proved that once you have realized Brahman, you become a Brahmana. When you practise brahmana == you become vipra, then dvija brahmana, then a real brahmana and finally with unmotivated uninterrupted devotion becomes a Vaishnava.
* He surrendered to GaurKishore Das Babaji Maharaj. He had to plead and pray so much before Babaji Maharaj decide to initiate him.
* He used to chant everyday 192 rounds for 10 years, so that he could establish a movement worldwide. It needs spiritual energy. In the wilderness in Mayapur, he was crying that without money, without power how can he establish Sri CM's movement. Then all the Panchatattva appeared to him and told him that if he does not get money here, he will be sent money from the spiritual world to help him preach Lord Caitanya's mission.
* He then started the Gaudiya Math, so much preaching. So many disciples and Sannyasis. He was a Simha-Guru.
* One of his disciples was our Srila Prabhupada, who was too a Grhastha, but continued his Guru's mission through establishing this movement worldwide.
* On his first meeting with SBSST, SBSST told him to spread the KC movement in the Western world, as they were young educated Indians.
* SBSST to SP: "If ever you have money, print books. Preach in the English language".
* SBSST: No matter what happens, never leave the service of Krishna, never leave the chanting, never leave the path set by Rupa and Raghunath.

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