Monday, December 1, 2008

External can change to Internal Energy, Will of Krishna!!!!

Verse 1.3.34: Srila Prabhupada says quoting Vishnu-purana, Krishna has unlimited energies. The main energies are 3: antaranga, tatashta, bahiranga shakti. We are part of the second one. We should actually be under the first energy, but under the influence of the 3rd energy, we are in a incompatible state. We want to be happy, but we are very frustrated.

But this is very dynamic. For example: Prahalad Maharaj and Hiranyakashipu live in the same house. One is under the protection of the internal energy and the other is under the external energy. Prahalad Maharaj did not have anything, but was happy, but his father although he had everything, he was not happy. That is because he was fully dependent on Maya.

Maya is very powerful. She covers our knowledge, we have to be very very careful of Maya. Eg: Kalkrishna das, assistant of Caitanya Mahaprabhu, was influenced by the batahari's.

It is our choice. If we genuinely chant, in the mood of the servant of servant of servant, then we will come under the shelter of Srimati Radharani.
Otherwise, we will be subjugated under the hands of Maya and therefore suffer continuously.

3 Commanders of Krishna: devotees, holy name and service, who can save us from the clutches of Maya.

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