Friday, November 14, 2008

16th Incarnation: Lord Parashuram

Verse 1.3.20: Usually ksatriyas are meant for protecting the citizens from being hurt. But at the time when Parashuramji appeared, the ksatriyas were very arrogant, were actually harassing public. All of them were demoniac. In case of Parashuram, his father is Jamadagni and mother is Renuka.

Story of Parashuramji: One day, kartaviyarjuna and his army visited Jamadagni's aasharam. ...Kamadhenu Cow...He wanted this cow...killed Jamadagni and takes the cow away. This angers Parashuram (Krishna's shaktavesha avatar). He releases cow, kills Kartaviyarjuna. It is said: that Parashuram's axe was spinning at the speed of the mind, then when he became tired, it moves at the speed of the wind. He killed 21 generations of such bad Ksatriyas.

Then when Lord Rama appears, he knows that the Supreme Personality of Godhead has come and that his work is now over and so goes off into meditation into the mountains.

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