Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Why success in Chanting is slow, Krishna's Mercy

Verse 1.1.12: Satvatam means devotees. Krishna is the master of the devotees. Suta Goswami knew that the Supreme Personality Godhead took birth through the womb of Devaki. Only devotees know the intricate details of the appearance of the Supreme Personality Godhead. Mayavadi's do not understand this and say that the devotees are sentimental.

Krishna explains different yogas in the Bhagavad-gita, but He says that of all, Bhakti yoga is the best, since it gives direct servitude to the Supreme Personality Godhead.

Mind is uncontrolled, especially while chanting. Is Astanga yoga really needed for the path of self-realization. Is controlling the body needed by different asanas to control the mind really needed.
We don't know all this, we just simply chant the Holy Name and slowly and steadily we are pulled towards the lotus feet of Krishna. After some time or millions of years, we will eventually come to His lotus feet.

Why sometimes we think that Krishna is not facilitating the complete control of mind. Because we will become proud and fall down. Thats why we need to have a genuine fight which chanting. Many times we might not feel like working, will we stop it. We pretend so much to be fine just for the money. Then how much should we fight for Krishna while chanting. Krishna, I am miserable, just to please you I am chanting.

Krishna, to make you understand how difficult it is, He is making the success really really slow. Then as we progress, we won't become proud, we will have gratitude to Guru, Krishna and Vaishnavas.

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