Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Verse 5: Urgency, Intense Greed for Devotional Service

July 23: Explanation of Verse 5
This cycle of birth and death is so difficult for anyone to cross. But if we take shelter of Krishna, then it is possible. But what do we need for that. We need to log on to the mercy, by holding on to the feet to Guru and Krishna. We need to be connected to the flowing mercy.

Here one quality to be noticed:
Krpaya tava pada pankaja...
What is the quality that is required to attain this mercy... that is Loulyam, intense greed (Bhagavatam explains).

Somehow I have fallen into this cycle of birth and death, the truth is that I am into this material existence, somehow please pick me up from this ocean of birth and death.

To attain this state, accept the favorable things for Devotional Service and reject those that are unfavorable. Our chanting should be intense for this. The urgency should be shown in our chanting. If we are making progress, that depends on the urgency.

Please chant in the helpless mood.
But we need to understand that this world is designed to frustrate everyone. So whatever state we are in, our chanting should be done with this urgency.

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