Saturday, October 16, 2010

Description of the form of the Lord continues...

Verse 2.1.29 (Ashish Prji):

* It is said that one can neither see, hear the SPG so easily. But with loving devotional service, it is possible for us to see Him.
* Only by His mercy, He can reveal Himself to us.
* Upon mental speculation, it is not possible for us to see Him.
* Foolish ppl say that Krishna is different from His mind, heart etc. But actually, He is absolute, so every sense and limb of Him is absolute too.
* In BG it is given: whoever knows His appearance and activities, will not take birth again in this material world.
* This verse is expansion of BG 11th chapter.
* Arjuna saw the Viraat rupa and was afraid, but only after seeing Krishna back in His transcendental 2-armed form was he back to being fine.
* ...

Friday, October 1, 2010

Goal of Life...

Verse 2.1.14 (Krishna Patro Prji):

* The goal of life is self-realization.
* Unfortunately, we are caught up in the mire's of life and we keep working hard day and night, so we have no time for self realization.
* The highest perfection of life is to remember the SPG at the end of life.
* Here it is also said: Only liberated souls take interest in the SPG.
- So here, Maharaj Parikshit was interested, so he was already a liberated soul.
- Then for us, we have to follow the regulative principles of spiritual life under the guidance of a bona fide spiritual master
* To develop taste for hearing, glorifying Krishna, we need to follow the regulative principles.
* When SP was asked by a reporter: How many pure devotees you have in the organization? He answered, the number of devotees in the organization. Cause he knew all of them are pure devotees, the process has started, only time is
* Goal of life: always remember Krishna, never forget Krishna
* Here, MP had 7 days to perfect himself. For us, we don't know how much time we have. But good thing is, we can perfect our life in a moment too. Eg: King Katwanga.
* Human life is very rare. One should not waste one's life.
- Alexander the great's story, malaria shortened his life
* Sukadeva Goswami's instruction therefore is, one should engage in self realization, by following the 4 regulative principles. And remembering the SPG all the time.