Monday, January 11, 2010

Knowledge leads "No Lamentation"!

Verse 1.13.44 (Bal Govind Prji):

* Narada muni is telling that affection wrt body is illusory affection only. And why so, cause we are taking ownership. Lacking the knowledge of the spirit soul.
* Thats why in BG, Krishna tells Arjuna about this in the 2nd chapter. Knowledge of the soul.
* So we have to get factual knowledge.
* Another such eg: Maharaj Chitraketu's son dying, coming back and speaking philosophy of the eternal soul.
- that eternal father is Krishna.
- when we forget and take ownership, then we come under problem, lamentation.
- Lamentation implies clear indication of ignorance.
* So what is knowledge, it is transcendental knowledge.
* We can overcome this ignorance through:
- take shelter of holy name
- take shelter of Krishna through scriptures
- take shelter of pure devotees.
* So here, Maharaj Yudhistira is taking shelter of Srila Narada muni.
* 24/7 Krishna is protecting us, only thing is we need to recognize us. And that comes with knowledge, which comes through pure devotee association
- Prahalad M, Dhruv M, Bhismadeva, etc, all present in SB, so just read it and take their association.
* We have to take this opportunity and perfect our life.
* Whenever we are in anxiety, think of Krishna!
* Therefore, it is being said here: whether you consider the soul to be an eternal principle, or the material body to be perishable, or everything to exist in the impersonal Absolute Truth, or everything to be an inexplicable combination of matter and spirit, feelings of separation are due only to illusory affection and nothing more.

Verse 1.13.42 (Shalini Mji):

* Naradamuni is instructing Maharaj Yudhistira: As a cow, bound through the nose by a long rope, is conditioned, so also human beings are bound by different Vedic injunctions and are conditioned to obey the orders of the Supreme.
* 3 points
- we r conditioned souls
- we r bound to obey the laws of Lord
- actual freedom is when we surrender to Krishna.
* Conditioned soul characteristics
- material consciousness. I am the controller, I am this body and I am the enjoyer.
- this "I am the doer" is false ego. That is the condition we are in.
- spirit soul is bewildered by this, the activities are actually carried out by the 3 modes of material nature
* In this conditioning, we forget Krishna. The main goal is to remember Krishna always, that reverse happens.
* Krishna is the supreme controller, He is the one who is actually running the whole show!
* By proper chanting, we can realize that we are in this conditioned state. The highest process is devotional service. Anyone rendering this is very dear to Krishna!
* And one who knows that Krishna is the SPG, is the supreme Lord and completely surrenders to Krishna is very rare, Krishna says in BG.
* So we have to follow this process very sincerely.

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