Monday, November 23, 2009

From material anxiety to spiritual...

Verse 1.12.28 (Ramana Prji):
* 3 key things
- proper knowledge of self
- losing material attachment
- fearlessness
* Proper knowledge of the self means self-realization.
* Best sadhana is chanting. 6 benefits of chanting (listed in ceto-darpana marjanam...)
* With that bhakti devi walks into our heart bringing, self-knowledge and attachment.
* And while chanting, watch for every word
* 3rd point: Fearlessness from Bhakti
- when there is no suspicousness, there is auspiciousness
* All we have to say is "I'm urs Krishna!", then He will protect us for sure.
* We need to change our anxiety for material consciousness, to spiritual anxiety. And SB gives us the opportunity to change our anxiety from matter to spirit.

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